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August 11/14, 2021


Fresh dug Potatoes (red norland) - These delicious earth apples are great for a potato salad, roasted in the oven or grilled on the BBQ. These are a highlight of the season at Hinterland!

Beans (yellow) - Eat them raw (as a snack or as a salad) or cook them (boil, steam or sautee)!

Zucchini - So many possibilities from baked goods (muffins, loaves) to grilled to spiraled noodles to pickles to pancakes!

Cucumber - This week, try making some simple refrigerator pickles. Mix a brine (vinegar and spices), slice cucumber and add to brine, "pickle" the cucumbers for several days in the fridge and then enjoy!

Eggplant - For inspiration, take a look a these recipes:




Onions (white and red tropena)

Mizuna Greens - These greens can be eaten raw (as a salad) or sauteed. They can be roughly chopped (along with any other greens like kale, collards, chard) and tossed with boiled new potatoes, olive oil, salt and pepper for a delicious side dish.

Cabbage (green)

Parsley or Dill - A perfect accompaniment to the potatoes. Or use in a simple salad dressing - there are lots of recipes online.


Fresh dug Potatoes (red norland) - These delicious earth apples are great for a potato salad, roasted in the oven or grilled on the BBQ. These are a highlight of the season at Hinterland!

Beans (yellow) - Eat them raw (as a snack or as a salad) or cook them (boil, steam or sautee)!

Zucchini - So many possibilities from baked goods (muffins, loaves) to grilled to spiraled noodles to pickles to pancakes!

Cabbage (green)

Cucumber - This week, try making some simple refrigerator pickles. Mix a brine (vinegar and spices), slice cucumber and add to brine, "pickle" the cucumbers for several days in the fridge and then enjoy!




Onions (white and red tropena)

Romaine Lettuce

Parsley or Dill - A perfect accompaniment to the potatoes. Or use in a simple salad dressing - there are lots of recipes online.


Although we do our utmost to rinse field dirt from everything in your share, it is not fully washed and we recommend that you wash everything before consumption to remove any remaining soil.

We do our best to avoid the use of plastic bags but for some items it is unavoidable in order to maintain product quality and for the practicality of transporting it home.


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